
87% support for Malaysia MADANI concept, says Fahmi

KUALA LUMPUR: Some 86.9% of the 8,860 respondents in a survey conducted by the information department are in favour of the Malaysia MADANI concept, says communications and digital minister Fahmi Fadzil.

He said the survey conducted about five months ago also found that 68.1% of the respondents understood the concept.

“This is a positive sign which shows that it is not mere rhetoric. This is indeed clear from the efforts by the government in terms of economy, maintaining morals among the community, harmony, unity and integrity.

“In terms of economic results and investments that came, it is clear that the concept brings positive results to the people,” he said.

He said this in response to a supplementary question in the Dewan Negara from Azhar Ahmad, who wanted to know the efforts taken by the government to spread information and make the people understand the concept of Malaysia MADANI.

Fahmi said the results of the survey, conducted from Jan 28 to Feb 5, about a week after the concept was launched by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, showed that 79.9% of the respondents were aware of the matter.

He said the ministry would continue to carry out various programmes, including Kita Madani, Jalinan Insan Wahana Aspirasi (Jiwa), Info On Wheels (IOW) and edutainment performances to disseminate information to the public.

It will also be carried out through the sharing of infographics and video graphics from various ministries and government agencies on various social media platforms.

According to Fahmi, as of June 25, a total of 721 messages (posting) encompassing various Malaysia MADANI messages were disseminated on all official social media platforms under the information department, reaching out to 1.3 million people.

He said the dissemination of messages and information about the Malaysia Madani concept will continue to be carried out via various mediums to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the concept so that Malaysians could together help lift the country’s dignity.

Fahmi also told the Dewan Negara that the theme of the National Day celebration this year would be under the Malaysia MADANI concept and that it would be launched on July 15 in Tambun, Perak.
